Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rocky Balboa

So every week I'm going to watch an "inspirational" film to help keep me motivated towards my goal and to keep pushing myself. I've scheduled one film a week until the week of competition. This week's film is Rocky Balboa.

"Rocky Balboa" is the last installment in the "Rocky" franchise. It takes place long after the end of Rocky 5. Rocky is now long retired and owns a restaurant where he regales diners with stories of his past. We see an aged Rocky, an aged Paulie and Rocky's son who is "tired of living in his dad's shadow".

The premise behind the movie is that the current heavy weight champion, Mason "The Line " Dixon can't find a boxer of his skill set. After a computer prediction of Rocky winning by a knockout his agents decide that they should try to make the fight a reality. They entice Rocky into an exhibition bout under the guise of proceeds going to charity.

Much to everyone's dismay and their adversity to Rocky's decision he decides to accept. Rocky claims he wants to keep fighting because "there's some stuff in the basement". We see that Rocky wants to prove to himself that he's still got what it takes to be a champion and prove to the world his worth.

Now we cue up the kick ass training music and gear up for a montage. Rocky's former trainer "Duke" lists all of the medical problems that Rocky is facing and determines the only way Rocky will win the fight is by beating the ever living shit by wailing on his opponent so hard "his ancestors will feel it".

Here we get to see Stallone do a fairly awesome work out routine. He does kettle bell swings, tire slams, keg slams, heavy bag work ,pull ups. All kinds of awesome feats of strength. We see him doing dead lifts and squats. I must admit Stallone gets into terrific shape for this film.

After the training montage the main bout begins. You'll have to see the movie to see what happens to our aging champion.

What I got out of it:

I love the rocky films and have always found them inspirational (well except Rocky 5 , that movie sucked balls). This movie was a good kick off to the whole inspirational track to think that with enough will power and determination you can do what you want and no one can stop you.

There's a scene where Rocky's son is expressing to his dad his feelings about being his son. In it Rocky gives the following speech.

"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It's a very mean and nasty place and I don't care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't about how hard ya hit. It's about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done!"
What this has taught me about my own training is that I need to focus on pushing myself harder and further with every work out. The finish line for this endeavor isn't going to get any easier by training less. I gotta keep pushing forward. I won't quit until I make it across the finish line.

Oh and those keg slams look pretty bitchin' too.

Next week's film is The Karate Kid.

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